Friday, January 9, 2009


I sincerely appreciate the concern several of you have expressed to me over the last two days. I did not intend to take health concerns lightly; I truly did not think that there might be something serious going on.

At the request of a good friend, I contacted a physician in our church. His first response was that it sounded like a heart condition because of the blue hands and feet... Heart condition? What? I am a 32 yo female runner! No way! And then came doubt...

What about that time.... and how about all those varicose veins... and remember when....

I almost had myself convinced that I did indeed have a heart condition! I went to my appointment this afternoon and discussed everything that happened and other symptoms.

I will give you 3 guesses about the diagnosis...


That cracks me up! Seriously, for some reason, some people experience exercise induced hives. It seems that for some, exercise causes a release of (sp?) histamines that can result in a break out of hives!

No, I am not going to stop running! However, I am going to start carrying a Claritin in my running shorts just in case I feel the tingling coming on again. Hopefully it will stay completely random. If not, I should just take a Claritin before I run each time!

NO SWEAT! (Pun intended...)


Anonymous said...

Allergic to exercise. I'm allergic to exercise too! Um, yeah, that's it. Allergic. ;o)

Sure glad it wasn't your heart!


Anita said...

I'm allergic to exercise as well...My hives are internal....

Glad you found out what was going on.

Hannah said...

Yikes, That doesn't sound good! I'm glad your still going to run, as long as it doesn't get worse.

btw. I ran a mile in 8:36 a week ago from Monday. I didn't run on a hard pace, it was a little bit above my easy jogging pace...and we lost our paper that tells us how to run each day.

Nathan said...

wow, That must stink. So I take it you will not run the marathon. By the way, If things do get worse will you still be teaching cross country?