This is Hannah... I will be posting the next few posts, because we are in the car, on the way to Williamsburg, VA and mom is driving!!!! Woohoo!! So, anyway, mom will be posting the posts about Washington D.C., though... Anyway! I will be catching you up on the post worthy events that have happened after Charleston, or in some cases, before. Anyway, here you go...
On march 26th, the 2nd annual mito-what? 5k was held to benefit the UMDF(the united mitochondrial disease foundation), by the parents of my 4 year old cousin, Jackson Culley, and the rest of my family on my mom's side. Jackson has mitochondrial disease, and the UMDF is working to find a cure. This year Sarah and I decided that we would like to participate in the race as "heroes," which meant that we had to raise $150 each. In order to do this, we decided to sell hats! We each made several hats, and sold many to many different people! In the end we came up a little short, but thanks to papa's donation, we were still able to run in the race as heroes!!
Here are pictures of the two hats Sarah made for Julie and Olivia Johnson!

Here is the hat Sarah made for Julie!

And here we have Olivia's hat, made by Sarah also... I don't have any pics of the ones that I made... Oh well! Sarah's are super cute! ;) :) =) :~)
Overall, the race went really well!! It was our first race for the spring, so I didn't have a great time, but we all did pretty well!! Here are our times:
Mom- 21:26??
Sarah- 24:42
Hannah- 29:54?
Dad ran with me, and the boys stayed with papa and cheered for us!!!
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