This week's events can be categorized into two broad themes: goat turds and running.
Goat turds!? Really? Did I just type "goat turds" with the intention of blogging about it? Has my life come to this? Why yes, yes it has.
I spent the bulk of my time at home this week scruntinizing goat turds. Although goats are similar in some ways to dogs, you really have to watch them. If they get a little down, they can go down fast, and their poop is a good indicator of their health.
I know you are dying to know... goat turds, or "nanny berries" are supposed to be firm, little round balls. Anything too runny, globby, or giant indicates a problem.
Houston, we had a problem.
I consulted friends about poop. I read info on the internet about poo poo issues. I followed goats around... waiting to examine their poop and then I even poked and prodded goat poo to check consistency.
I now have a goat app on my phone.
I seriously researched and considered performing my own goat fecal sample exams under microscope.
But I balked at that one.
After worming the goats with a more powerful wormer, followed by more goat turd scruntiny, I continued hoping the poop would go back to normal. On Friday, my friend Ron gave me some confidence; things were moving in the correct direction, and he didn't think there was anything to worry about. Woohoo!
I mentioned that the other theme of the week was running...
Our first spring Spartan practice was this Tuesday. The runners did a mile time trial in order to get a base time for spring training. I was very impressed with all performances, but it was especially great to see that we have a good pack of boys working together!
My mileage was 46 for this week, and so I spent a lot of time running as well. My long run of 20 miles was done on the treadmill this week... my coach proclaimed me mentally ill, but it was the only time/ place to make it work!
Instead of a typical tempo run this week, I incorporated our family's streak race into my training plan. There is one race that we make sure NOT to miss each year, and it is also a family reunion of sorts!
This Saturday was the 4th Annual Mito What? 5K to benefit my cousin's son, Jackson Culley. Jackson has Mitochondrial Disease, and the race raises money to support research for a cure. We try to remember these children in our prayers, because currently there is no cure for this disease. Unfortunately, Jackson was not able to attend the race this year, because he had been admitted to the hospital that morning. On a positive note, it was announced that over the past 4 years, the race has raised $85,000 for the UMDF!
It was COLD this weekend, but we were happy that it was NOT raining! Julie Johnson was staying with us for a few days, and Scott tried hard to get her to register as Julie Johnson Duley... It would have paid off, too, because she finished first in her age group!
Sarah, Julie, and Hannah all got age group awards!
Scott and I got awards too!
Will and Josh both ran, and they did a great job! Will ran by himself, and my mom ran with Josh. Josh informed Julie, "I'm gonna run this with my grandmother, so I'm just gonna take it nice and easy."

Our times were as follows:
Mom and Josh: 41 something
Will: 31:00
Scott: 25:25
Hannah: 25:25
Sarah: 22:45
Julie J: 21:40
Heather: 21:08
My dad said he couldn't run this year, because he had to babysit... maybe next year! Below, mom and dad freezing in their Memphis Tiger gear!
I mentioned that the race is sort of a mini-family reunion... Here are three of my aunts with my dad: Aunt Gwen (Jackson's grandmother), Aunt Peggy, and Aunt Mary. We all agreed that we need to have a get together sometime in the summer when we can visit where our teeth aren't chattering!
My cousin Lynn with Elizabeth, Jackson's sister. (and I am not sure who the little boy is, but it SEEMS like Lynn said he was one of the kids there with MD.)
My cousin Cassie and Troy... The Tigers were playing that afternoon in March Madness... hence all of the tiger fans representin'...
After the race we went back to my parents' house for lunch. I have a knack for setting things on fire with the broiler... I got mad cooking skills, just like my mom and my Tootie...
We had extra buns, thankfully, and we ended up having a very tasty lunch before going home!
1 comment:
Heather, only you would post about goat poop!
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