Friday, June 24, 2011


This has been a very busy week... I am planning to pull an all nighter so that I can finally post some "after" pictures of my rearranging. I wish I had taken before pictures, but any pictures taken now would reveal only chaos.

My mom came last week to help me be a "finisher," because I am notorious for being an 80/20 person... Getting a project 80% complete and then moving on, leaving the remaining 20% undone. Instead, we mostly finished several things, and I decided I would paint the upstairs!

While mom was in town, she got to see both boys play baseball games. Before Josh's game, we went to George's for supper... Yum!

Here are some pictures from his game...

What a good lookin' team!

Fun in the dugout...

Josh has been playing catcher, and he really likes it. Being part of the action on every pitch definitely keeps him interested... And sweaty!

Good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game....
24-7, L&W won the game!

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