Tuesday, July 2, 2013


 We spent the month of June keeping busy with this and that.  I got some fun pudding cups from a yard sale and we had our first (and only so far) summer banana pudding.

One week I had to lifeguard at BMC during basketball camp, and the kids enjoyed going with me and getting to swim.

 Savannah came over one day and we made sourdough pizza... This is the most delicious stuff ever.  Savannah left a jar of starter for Hannah, and she has been keeping us stocked with sourdough rolls ever since!
 I had a big plan to earn school book money by teaching running camps this summer... well, I have enjoyed the running groups, but the crowd was a little thinner than I hoped.  We made enough to take our animals to the vet for shots and buy fire extinguishers, but that was about it!  :)  Oh well, it needed to be done in order for us to be foster parents!  (Next post)

Below is the XC camp group enjoying some watermelon after their end of the week time trial and ultimate frisbee match.  
 Hannah is quite creative in the kitchen, and she loves to find stuff on Pinterest.  This is a strawberry lemonade concoction... it was DELICIOUS!!!
 Sarah started a project making kids' quilts to send on mission trips with people.  Her friend Colleen came over one day to help her complete some... Colleen is currently somewhere in Asia, and hopefully a quilt has been given and made a little girl happy!

 They just sewed jelly roll strips together and then made a border around the edges.  It turned out really cute!
 For Father's Day, I actually cooked dinner, which is pretty special in the summer time, especially.  We got Scott some special freshly cured bacon from the Neon Pig for his gift.  He loved it!
 Sarah and Hannah have been taking turns babysitting this summer.  Although getting up early and putting in 40 hour weeks is not their favorite, they are both enjoying a paycheck.  A paycheck which helps them buy things like Chacos or Wonder Woman Converse!
 Hannah the foodie having fun with watermelon and instagram...
June has been hectic, but a good month!  In addition to the pictures, we have been going to the Farmer's market to sell bread on Saturday mornings.  We all really enjoy this time visiting with other local producers, and I often come home with a little bit of money and a lot of things like jam, coffee, blackberry bushes, etc.

On a sad note, Scott's grandmother, Mary Sue Duley passed away this month.  She was doing well and getting around fine, but a fall led to a broken hip which led to an unexpected stroke.  She was 87 years old.  Scott and the three younger kids went to Florida for several days for the funeral and to be with family.  Hannah and I had to stay at home because of two running camps and farmer's market.

Toward the end of the month we went to Atlanta to visit Stefanie, her kids, Katie, and Avery (Jack and Jackie's daughter).  We had a quick visit but really enjoyed getting cousins together!

Above:  Avery, Hannah, and Rebecca having fun!

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